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Fuel Management Water: The Enemy in Fuel Storage Tanks

Water: The Enemy in Fuel Storage Tanks

We all have heard the numerous health benefits of drinking water and many of us try diligently to get in the recommended eight glasses a day. But let your fuel storage tank take too many “gulps” of...

Fleet Management How Electronic Logging Can Benefit Your Fleet

How Electronic Logging Can Benefit Your Fleet

You have probably heard more news and buzz surrounding electronic logging devices (ELDs) and their December 2017 mandated use than you can count. Once again, you’re soon to be hit with more...

Fuel Management Biodiesel Ranks First

Biodiesel Ranks First

Each December the NTEA—The Association for the Work Truck Industry—conducts their comprehensive Fleet Purchasing Outlook survey to gain insight on the commercial vehicle landscape.

The survey results...

Fuel Management The 7 Driver Services that Your Company Should Have

The 7 Driver Services that Your Company Should Have

Think of the investment you have in your drivers and vehicles. Now think of how it would affect your operations and bottom line if a driver were stranded in the middle of nowhere and unable to be at...

Fleet Management Do You Have a Fleet Safety Program?

Do You Have a Fleet Safety Program?

The number of fatalities and injuries in traffic accidents is not only alarming, it is trending in the wrong direction. According to the National Safety Council, 2015 saw the largest one-year...

Fuel Management 5 Things To Avoid When Purchasing Bulk Fuel

5 Things To Avoid When Purchasing Bulk Fuel

With all the day-to-day responsibilities fleet managers face, including managing drivers, fleet replacement, security and maintenance, compliance with government regulations and tracking and...

Fuel Management What You Should Know About Diesel Hedging and Swaps

What You Should Know About Diesel Hedging and Swaps

The price of fuel is constantly fluctuating. It can spend weeks in a steady decline, followed by an overnight upswing. So, say you own a fleet of trucks, construction equipment, or other vehicles...