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Emergency Fueling Fleet Management Asset Management Risk Management Get Your Fleet Ready for Hurricane Season

Get Your Fleet Ready for Hurricane Season

As if fleet managers don’t have enough on their plate dealing with the ongoing impact of the COVID pandemic on their fleet operations, along comes the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season, which officially...

Fleet Management Fleet Management In a Post-COVID World

Fleet Management In a Post-COVID World

There’s no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything — upending the world and making business as usual highly unusual and exceptionally challenging across all industries. For the...

Fleet Management Fuel Management Driver-Centric and Fleet-Centric Management Strategies to Reduce Fuel Costs

Driver-Centric and Fleet-Centric Management Strategies to Reduce Fuel Costs

With fuel being a fleet’s number one operating expense — accounting for as much as 60% of a fleet’s operating budget — lowering fuel costs is a top priority for every fleet manager. Whether fuel...

Fleet Management Risk Management Technologies to Improve Safety and Training

Technologies to Improve Safety and Training

With the advent of wireless telecommunications, smaller/more powerful devices, and more mobile devices, fleet technology has rapidly evolved over the years. It is a trend that isn’t going away any...

Fleet Management How Route Optimization Reduces Costs and Improves Efficiency

How Route Optimization Reduces Costs and Improves Efficiency

For fleet managers who want to lower costs and improve efficiency — and what fleet manager doesn’t — route optimization is a viable solution for fleets of all sizes and applications.

Asset Management Industry News & Reports Sunsetting 3G and the Rise of 5G

Sunsetting 3G and the Rise of 5G

In today’s climate of ever-evolving technology, to stay connected to drivers and vehicle data while remaining competitive and compliant, fleet managers are always on the search for the “latest and...

Fleet Management Industry News & Reports The Surge of Last-Mile Deliveries

The Surge of Last-Mile Deliveries

Without question, COVID-19 has dramatically changed the way we live, work, and shop. While the long-term impact of these changes has yet to be seen, one effect has been hugely positive. With people...